Christmas Love 2022




Christmas Love is my interpretation of a stitching piece I saw in a move, It was a heartfelt and very touching movie. However, while observing it and planning my stitching something was off with the item that was featured in the movie.

Recently, I was at an antique shop I inquired about if they had any Samplers in the shop. I was presented with a very good piece. While observing it to confirm it was stitched or a print. I did notice that the cross stitches were over 4 threads. Although the merchant said she was a “stitcher.” She did agree and opened up the back and was horrified to discover it was indeed a print.

After this experience I am truly convinced that the needlework piece in the movie was really movie prop, not an actual stitched item. Most of the piece appears to be stitched over two threads of linen except for two letters, which are not even over one thread. I did leave the shop, but when I went to my car, I thought I needed to explain how I knew it was not real. Hum.. to while I was walking in through the store I actually did find a real stitched Sampler from 1875.

**This is a virtual download of a stitcher


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